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Butternut squash, tahini and fresh raw turmeric dip

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 1:41 pm
by stellamillburn
Butternut Squash, Tahini and fresh raw turmeric Dip
butternut squash.jpg
butternut squash.jpg (6.09 KiB) Viewed 7289 times

Serves 4
Preparation & Cooking Time: 20 Minutes


500g (18oz) of butternut squash
1tbsp of flax or olive oil (preferably flax)
2tbsp of coconut oil
3 large garlic cloves
2 tbsp of tahini

raw finely chopped turmeric root, about 1"
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turmeric root.jpg (9.09 KiB) Viewed 7289 times

one raw chopped chili
Small handful of fresh parsley (any variety)
Himalayan salt & black pepper

1.Preheat the oven to 200 degrees (180 if using a fan), and then set to work on halving, then deseeding, peeling and chunking the squash. No precise size is needed for the squash so just cut it into rough chunks.
2.Put a roasting tin into the oven, lined with the coconut oil and once the oven is hot enough, tip in the squash chunks and season with salt and pepper. Make sure the squash is coated with the coconut oil.
3.Now peel and smash the garlic, and give it a rough chop
4.After 20 minutes of the squash roasting, throw in the garlic and give it all a mix, and put back in the oven for 10 minutes
5.Once the squash and garlic are looking well cooked, remove from the oven and tip it all into a food processor/blender, add the herbs, spices, tahini and blend until smooth.
6.Spoon into a serving bowl and drizzle with the flax oil for an extra omega 3 hit and serve with flax crackers, veggie sticks or something else alkaline and delicious!
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omega three.jpg (12.94 KiB) Viewed 7289 times