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Yes to Life | Cancer Wellness Day | 27th April | Manchester

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 6:37 pm
by Edana
A one-day conference for anyone who has or has had cancer, their loved ones, carers and anyone with an interest or working in health and general wellbeing.

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The aim of this conference is to share knowledge from experts to enable people to optimise their own health – not to overwhelm, but to share ways in which people can integrate change into their lifestyle at their own pace.

The day will be split into 3 main topics around health and wellbeing:

· Emotional wellbeing (including rest and good sleep quality)
· Nutrition
· Exercise

We understand how exhausting a life with cancer can be and how confusing the various messages around wellbeing are. The 3 basic needs are often difficult to manage due to lack of energy, time, funds, information being inaccessible and other life events taking a priority.
What can you expect from the day?

· Why are these things are so important and the evidence behind this (including real life examples)
· How you can start to make sense of the minefield of research that is out there
· How you can make these changes with very little expense and without it taking too much of your time
· A demonstration to get you moving
· Handouts/tip sheets to take home with you


Liz Butler Msc Dip ION mBANT rCNHC - Overview

Having previously founded Body Soul Nutrition and more recently co-founded Cancer Clarity, Liz has a great passion for helping individuals recognise the power they hold over their own health, happiness and life.

Liz has almost 20 years’ experience as a nutritional therapist specialising in cancer support. However, her main interest is in providing emotional and spiritual support and helping clients to look deep within themselves to find the answers they need on their healing journey. Liz has embarked on much study in the field of mind-body medicine and has been trained as a coach by the renowned HeartMath Institute. Liz will be opening the conference, giving us an overview of all these aspects of wellbeing and why they are crucial in improving health outcomes.

Claire McLusky - Emotional wellbeing

Clare McLusky is an experienced mental health practitioner, group worker and a teacher at the Oxford Mindfulness Centre. She teaches mindfulness courses in her local community and leads workshops and courses for Breast Cancer Care and the Maggie Centre. She will lead a session, introducing mindfulness and the evidence for its effectiveness in reducing stress, anxiety and low mood following a diagnosis of cancer. She will guide short meditation practices to use in daily life particularly when times are tough.

Silvia Grisendi PhD MSc DipNT mBANT rCNHC - Nutrition

Silvia is a cancer research scientist turned nutritional therapist and holistic health coach. She combines over 20 years’ experience in biomedicine with a long standing passion for naturopathic nutrition, lifestyle medicine, and transformational healing. Her motivation comes from empowering individuals affected by chronic disease with the knowledge and practical tools to help them manifest their innate healing potential.

Alongside her business partner Liz Butler, more recently Silvia has co-founded Cancer Clarity, an enterprise with the aim of providing information on how natural lifestyle changes can support recovery from cancer, and offering inspiration on the central role of each individual in their own journey to better health.

Lizzy Davis - Exercise

Lizzy worked as an Oncology Nurse for 10 years before becoming involved in Cancer Exercise Rehabilitation. She developed CanExercise to help bring awareness to those going through cancer and treatment, on the importance of physical activity and how beneficial it can be both physically and emotionally. Exercise is a valuable tool that can enhance life span, vitality and quality of life. Whether it’s preparing the body for physically demanding treatments, or enabling those to recover, heal and take control again, physical activity can help each individual to reconnect with the ‘old you’, or perhaps find a ‘new me’.

It’s not what you can’t do, it’s what you can do…


11:00: Registration
11:25: Sue De Cesare for Yes to Life intro
11:30: Liz Butler intro and overview
12:00: Clare McLusky on Emotional Wellbeing (including 5 min Q&A)
12:45: Lunch break
13:30: Silvia Grisendi on Nutrition (including 5 min Q&A)
14:15: Lizzy Davis on Exercise (including 5 min Q&A)
15:00: Close

We are offering a special low price ticket for people that we support/low income and early bird tickets for everyone else.

Find out more:

This is a CPD Standards Office accredited event and equates to 4 certified hours.

CPD Standards Office certificates will be available to those who require them at the end of the event at the registration desk or this can be sent to you as a pdf by emailing

Limited tickets. No refunds available.

Cancer is a very serious and individual disease. Users must consult with experts in their appropriate medical field before taking up any form of treatment. The information above is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice nor is it intended to be for medical diagnosis or treatment.

Re: Yes to Life | Cancer Wellness Day | 27th April | Manches

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 6:12 am
by tripathiankush
great post.helpful.thanks for this great post :)