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'There's no such thing as terminal cancer!'

PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:47 pm
by Judith
Here are some excerpts from the Canceractive site--it is a UK charity which brings together up to date research--as the guy says somewhere, knowledge is power--he now has an interactive part of the site too which you might be interested in--he does promote his own book but hey--it may be wonderful anyway--see what you think--

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"I believe you can be cured"

"The cancer may be in remission but it can be in remission permanently"

You may think the above statement is something I (ie the site creator) wrote - but it actually comes from Dr Henry Friedman, one of the World's very top oncologists, on the Preston Robert Tisch website at Duke Cancer Center in Carolina. Moreover, he also went on to talk about something I also agree with - we already know TODAY enough to achieve the above statement. The problem is, we just don't use or act on much of the knowledge we already have. Instead cancer charities launch yet more fund raising campaigns to develop yet more drugs. But who determined that a drug would cure cancer? For example, we know today that, after 40 years of trying, not one drug currently available kills the cancer stem cells at the heart of tumours, whether prostate, breast or multiple myeloma. It is an 'Inconvenient Truth' of enormous magnitude. But people beat cancer time and time again. Why? Because you do it, yourself, aided by your attitude, your new lifestyle, your new exercise regime and your new diet.

We know from NCI research that certain foods can stop cancer stem cells regrowing - has anyone told you, apart from us? And we know today that emerging treatments like localised hyperthermia can eradicate tumours, but hospitals prefer to use un-researched treatments like the 'exciting' (and very expensive) 'Cyberknife' or brachytherapy for breast cancer. And then we know today that common glucose fuels cancer - but NHS issues booklets telling you to eat lots of it when you have chemo. When will we learn? When will we use the knowledge we already have? When will UK Oncologists be as confident as Henry Friedman?

1. How you might stop a cancer re-growing

Yet more evidence that stem cancer cells exist in tumours - this time in multiple myeloma and prostate cancer. Worse, none of all the wonder drugs that so much money has been raised to develop, NONE kills cancer stem cells. Scientists stated that clearly in 2012. Fortunately one bright research doctor at the National Cancer Institute in America showed that (while some foods caused the stem cells to re-grow), other foods with bioactive ingredients like curcumin and EGCG, could stop the regrowth in its tracks.
Knowledge beats cancer - the knowledge to make more informed PERSONAL choices. And that includes knowing exactly what research says about STOPPING your cancer re-growing: Two pieces below give you a good start!
• Multiple Myeloma relapse
• Why prostate cancer comes back

• A quick overview on inhibiting your cancer regrowth
• Resveratrol and cancer stem cells

2. Cut glucose from your diet now!

I've told you for 8 years. Cut glucose from your diet today. And that means white bread, pasta, rice, flour, cakes, biscuits, chocolate, common honey, jams, packaged and processed foods. And ignore anybody or any leaflet that tells you otherwise!
Three new studies show that glucose fuels cancer, a lack of insulin plays a part, and if you are diabetic with cancer, keep taking the metformin because it lowers blood glucose AND LOWER BLOOD GLUCOSE MEANS BETTER SURVIVAL.
• Calorie restriction increases survival
• Fasting increases survival times

• Obesity and cancer? No, glucose and insulin
• Diabetics, Metformin and cancer survival

3. Localised hyperthermia to treat cancer today

STAR STORY: Here is a personal story from Richard who, faced with prostate cancer, received three different suggested treatment routes from three different British oncologists, each in their chosen areas of expertise. Every one of these routes had side-effects he would rather avoid. Fortunately for him, he has a questioning mind, a desire for knowledge and information, and he knows me!!
Of course, he had to go outside 'the system'. You cannot receive localised hyperthermia in the UK currently except in yet another clinical trial (which is full). 6,000 euros later, he has finished his treatment at Klinik St George, and is happy and at home with his new wife and baby. I encourage you to read his two part story - prolog and then diary. Every person with prostate cancer will be fascinated by the whole piece - but all people touched by cancer will find the first part relevant. Excellent.
• Richard goes to Klinik St George
• Hyperthermia - prostate and breast cancer

4. Do you have a question?

People frequently e mail CANCERactive with questions about their treatment, a drug, diet, emerging therapies and more. We can't answer most because we are an information charity not an advice charity.
So we set up the CANCERactive Patient Group - the ultimate support group where you are free to ask questions on, and discuss, ANY topic - be it orthodox, or in complementary and integrative medicine, or in new and emerging treatments. We have no limits, unlike several other big charities. So go to the Patient Group website, log in, and ask what you want. People like you will soon respond; one or two doctors too.
• The CANCERactive Patient Support Group

5. Book Review: Everything you need to know to help you beat cancer

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Perhaps I should have called the book 'You can beat cancer today'!: "I read Everything you need to know to help you beat cancer in three days, cover to cover. It is wonderfully inspiring. It has become my bible and I keep it by my bedside reading bits almost every night. It told me what to do when I was having radiotherapy to reduce the chances of side-effects and I had none! It led me to take up yoga and Tai chi; I supplement, I've changed my diet and I have built my own stress management program straight out of this book. What I like too is all the tips throughout the book and the bits on new treatments. No one at the hospital has ever mentioned any of this. I can thoroughly recommend it to anyone with cancer. It's essential reading. Even my 32 year old daughter has read it completely. She doesn't want to get breast cancer like me. I'm a new person now and my cancer is old news. Thank you Cancer active. Thank you Chris Woollams" Margaret from Southend via e mail
For your information, the only place you can really buy the book is through the wholesaler - see below. Many other sources sell out of date editions even second hand.
• Buy The Book 'Everything you need to know to help you beat cancer'

6.. T-DM1; A new 'Wonder Drug' for breast cancer

Not so long ago, I remember the 'wonder drug' Herceptin receiving all the plaudits. And naughty NICE wouldn't stump up the money to 'save the lives' of women denied it' (quite properly, actually, because they were not HER-2 positive). Oh, the power of the PR machines of the drugs companies!! A couple of years later a new drug was developed (Pertuzumab) because in many women, the cancer fought back and Herceptin stopped working. A short term wonder drug?
Now a new 'wonder drug' (yes, it said that in the press release and in the newspaper covering the story!) has been developed which uses the clever part of the Herceptin action on HER-2 situations to deliver a second 'attack drug' to the cancer. Women with breast cancer take note. The drug is so 'wondrous' that it has been pulled out of clinical trials early. Anyone offered it will be part of a phase III trial,
• T-DM1

7. Personal Prescriptions for the few

I am really sorry. I am very, very busy. Working on cancer is not my day job. I do it for love, not money. I try to help a few people from time to time where I act as a buddy and let them talk, ask, question everything so that they can put together an Integrative Programme that gives them a better chance of survival and even preventing a cancer returning. I don't give advice, just information - on orthodox treatments, combatting side-effects, possible causes, integrative therapies, supplements, diet, complementary therapies and what not to do! I help people choose and build their own personal programme.
I received a wonderful letter a few months ago from a man who had prostate cancer and I spoke with 6 or 7 years ago. He'd been given three months to live. We spoke and his opening line was 'I need some help because I'm told I have terminal cancer', Apparently, I exploded and said, 'There's no such thing as terminal cancer'. He claims it was the best thing anybody had ever said to him. I don't get much time - I will try to fit three or four people in each month for a couple of hours each. The response from people after the chats is overwhelming; and often humbling. I am happy to help.
• Personal Prescriptions and the ACTIVE8 Programme

8. Restoring the p53 gene with bioactive foods to defeat cancer

Below is a link to an article by Dr Olga Galkina-Taylor, an expert on the p53 gene and cancer, and David Broom, MIRCH, a qualified Medical Herbalist. It looks at the role of p53 and how damage can lead to cancer. Yet a variety of natural compounds can strengthen the p53 gene and protein and restore it to its healthy state. Dr Galinka-Taylor states that a fully working p53 gene can 'stop a cancer in its tracks'. So, this could well be a crucial ingredient in an Integrative and Complementary Cancer Programme to defeat your cancer.
Galinka-Taylor' is a Russian educated Doctor, neuroscientist and pathologist; and an expert in the p53 gene which goes haywire in so many cancers. Her clinic (The Galinka Laboratory) is in Bournemouth in the UK. If you want to know more you can give her a call or pay her a visit.
• p53, bioactive foods and cancer

9. Coenzyme Q10 and Complementary and Integrative medicine

I am often asked about Coenzyme Q10, so I have updated the piece on the CANCERactive website. It certainly doesn't cure cancer, but, it can act as an antioxidant, an anti-inflammatory agent and it would appear to help prevent cancer and even reduce metastases significantly in melanoma subjects. It may stop vascular growth in tumours, you should take it if you take doxorubicin (as it helps reduce damaging side-effects on the heart, and it seems to have a positive effect on ageing.
There is research on its use in the treatment of breast, prostate, melanoma and other cancers. If you supplement, with 50-60 mgs a day, after about 3 months research shows 60-somethings can return body levels to those in 20-somethings. But which supplement? And what about the dangers of statins - it's all in the updated article.
• Coenzyme Q10
• Ubiquinol and ubiquinone available