Drugs to boost immune system

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Drugs to boost immune system

Postby Teleny » Sun Mar 23, 2014 10:13 pm

At long last, cancer researchers have realised that the best cure for cancer is not to use blunderbuss poisons (as in chemotherapy), but to try and boost the body’s natural anti-cancer defences.

After all, simply by living, the body is continuously creating cancer cells…but these are almost instantly destroyed by the immune system.

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In the last few years, researchers at Los Angeles’ Cedars- Sinai Cancer Institute have been looking for drugs that might be able boost the body’s natural cancer-zapping functions.

And this month they’ve announced finding two: an mTOR inhibitor [which regulates cellular metabolism], and a CD4 antibody [which helps to initiate an immune response]. When combined they create “a combination therapy to allow immune cells, which are capable of killing tumors, to see tumors that were previously invisible to the immune system,” say the researchers.

As widely reported in the scientific press

“The study's findings, published in the journal Cancer Research, are the first to use these combined agents as an immune stimulator and may have the potential to kill cancerous cells in solid tumors, including some of the most aggressive cancers that form in the lung and pancreas. Investigators hope to bring this science to early-phase clinical trials in coming months.”

Ref: Y. Wang, T. Sparwasser, R. Figlin, H. L. Kim. Foxp3 T cells inhibit antitumor immune memory modulated by mTOR inhibition. Cancer Research, 2014; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-13-2928
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Re: Drugs to boost immune system

Postby mattie » Wed May 28, 2014 1:25 pm


Yes, I agree from my research on the web about this, I use several things that boost the immune system, as well as supplements/powdered herbs that reduce inflammation and anti-oxidants, which I'll post at a later date, but think you might find this information about a drug I using interesting and useful.
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I've been using a natural human immune protein, called GcMAF, weekly for two months now. I was recommended it by a very knowledgable oncologist, Patricia Peak, from http://canceroptions.co.uk who I wholly recommend for her fantastic information on worldwide alternative and latest orthodox cancer treatments available outside the UK. After refusing surgery by the NHS, and told there was nothing else, she got me in contact for my treatments in Germany and I haven't looked back since.

The company, First Immune, who produce GcMAF, have had very positive results using ultrasonography administrating GcMAF direct to tumours at their Swiss clinic even on late Stage 4 cancers. I'm self injecting it into muscle near as possible to my rectal cancer (they recommend injecting as near to the tumour site) to keep things at bay by boosting my immune system and maybe even destroy the cells, using my own defence system. But if I'd known about this when seriously ill last year I would have gone to their clinic to be treated, as they achieve up to 25% reductions in the first week, (out of interest, they offer money back for a week cost, if there's no reduction in size, which is rare these days) all by boosting the bodies natural killer cells. Self injecting does not produce such rapid results, but it replaces and strengthens your immune system over time attacking the cancers as our bodies defences intended, giving it a fighting chance exposing bad cells. The science makes perfect sense to me after being blasted by chemoradiation last year, which did so much damage to my body as we've all experienced I no doubt.
As I've said, if I'd known about this then would have gone to their clinic and had intensive GcMAF treatment instead, but thats hindsight for you and the NHS gave me no choice!!

There's a lot more detailed info, phone numbers, links to the clinical trials and how it works can be found on the website

Here's the basics of what it is, taken off their website:

"All 6 billion healthy people have natural GcMAF inside them – it is the commanding officer of your immune system.
In healthy people around 10,000 cells a day mutate into malignant or cancerous cells.

Amongst other functions, the GcMAF in our bodies instructs your macrophages to eat those cancerous cells. You can see a video, at the bottom of our home page, of cancer cells in a culture dish being eaten by macrophages activated by gcmaf.eu’s GcMAF.

Without the GcMAF we make inside us every day, we would all have died of diseases while still children.

Serious illnesses like cancer, aids and HIV, destroy your GcMAF, which neutralises your immune system, so the disease can grow unchecked.

GcMAF, among other things, is an immune system regulator / commander, and Professor Marco Ruggiero has also shown in cell culture trays that, in the absence of macrophages, gcmaf.eu’s GcMAF turns cancer cells back into healthy cells.

The starting point for most cancer is usually poor nutrition.
Fast foods, processed foods, fat-free, vegan or vegetarian diets, or diets high in grains (especially wheat), beans and potatoes starve the immune system of essential amino acids, trace metals and lipids.

Cancer is then able to grow to the point where it can send out the enzyme nagalase and destroy your own GcMAF, collapsing your immune system and the cancer grows unchecked.

We extract GcMAF; you inject it back into yourself in weekly shots. Side effects are minimal and you cannot overdose on GcMAF.

In three weeks your immune system is back to full strength. If you are a responder, in 6 months your immune system can eradicate early stage cancers, and in 12 months terminal cancers.

Nagalase does not attack GcMAF – it prevents your body from making GcMAF by attacking your GcProtein.

But GcMAF only lives for a week – so you must keep taking ours until your nagalase is below 0.62 – then your own GcMAF will take over again.

It appears to be beneficial for more than 50 percent of people, providing they eat the right foods for their immune system – butter, cream, coconut milk, lime, chicken, fish, meat; which equals the caveman diet.

Do not eat sugar, carbohydrates, grains, beans and potatoes.

You need to either have normal levels of vitamin D, or take 4000 – 9000 IU a day as a supplement.

For a minority of people taking our GcMAF it has no visible effect. That could be because something else, not the GcMAF, is wrong with their immune system.

Some people are high responders and can see their tumours have begun to shrink in scans in as little as 8 weeks; others take many months. The VDR gene may play a role here."

Well, hope that's interesting, being a vegetarian I have a few problems with their recommended foods, but will let you know how I get on. If anyone else is doing or going to do this would love to hear your experiences.

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Re: Drugs to boost immune system

Postby chipswell » Tue Oct 21, 2014 10:20 pm

The latest research will be out soon and it will show that "boosting" the immune system is not the thing that works..it is something else to do with the immunity
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Re: Drugs to boost immune system

Postby Judith » Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:32 am

Thanks for posting, Chipswell-

it would be useful to indicate where people can access the research rather than stating that keeping the immune system high is no longer a priority, as I understand you to be saying here---what else is it to do with the immune system that we need to be aware of?
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As we say on this site, the picture is multifactorial anyway so hope to hear more from you on this issue. Meanwhile, treating your imune system as your best friend still seems a clear route to doing one's best to make one's body inhospitable to the proliferation of cancer cells (which are in our bodies 24/7 anway)--Thanks for further clarification!
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Re: Drugs to boost immune system

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