Lorraine's journey with breast cancer 4X

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Lorraine's journey with breast cancer 4X

Postby lorrainecohen » Fri Nov 20, 2015 9:47 pm

Hi everyone

I'll share as well. I was diagnosed in June 2012 with breast cancer and chose to do a lumpectomy. Had I known what I know now, I would not have made that choice and it is what it is. I refused chemo and radiation and did extensive emotional healing work and mindset (which is the work I do with clients) with forgiveness, self-love, repressed anger and grief. I also worked with energy workers, craniosacral massage, acupuncture and made some nutritional changes. Every choice I make is by following my inner guidance and intuition.

One year later they discovered teeny cancer cells near the original incision. My surgeon recommended a mastectomy, or radiation, another lumpectomy or do nothing. I chose to do nothing medically and continued doing what I was doing and had another mammogram 3 months later and the tests showed I was clear.

This past February I noticed a growth in my underarm that began pressing on my side. Yup, cancer so I elected to do another lumpectomy because of the discomfort. My surgeon said because of the location it is automatically diagnosed as Stage 4 and warned me that if I did not do the traditional protocols it would return and there was nothing he could do. I refused chemo and radiation again and got very serious about my next steps.

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new door opens.jpg (16.87 KiB) Viewed 14545 times

I began using the MMS prototol which was too rough on my body so I stopped. I have cut out sugar and gluten, I juice wheatgrass daily, my supplements include tumeric, D3, 4,000 Omega 3, Udos probiotics 42 billion with 7 strains, L-Arginine, Samento Microbial Defense, GTF chromium, Lugol's, and ph balancer by Melpro labs which is an incredible supplement - liquid gold for the body (get it here http://www.motherearthlabs.com/102.html).

Lots of veggies, going 95% organic. I meditate, use prayer, chiropractic, aerobic exercise and rebounding, kangen water, and monthly colonics with detoxing, coffee enemas 2x weekly, Frankincense and a few other essential oils, massage .... all very proactive. And I also know that emotions are at the genesis of illness so I have worked on self-love/forgiveness, releasing anger, guilt, blame, resentments to let goof stressing my health and my happiness.

A few months ago I felt another tumor near the last surgery and am not freaking out. In fact I have never felt fear throughout any of this because of my strong spiritual core and bond with God. I know things happen for a reason and I believe my journey, our journey, is to help change the consciousness with cancer and to help shift the world. I KNOW in my heart that this is not meant to stop what I have come to do as my life path and purpose. And I will clear this.

My health is not a battle or about waging war on cancer. These have been experiences full of blessings of love. I have learned to be a great receiver, a deeper self-love for myself and care, a passion for what gives me joy, and opportunities to be of support to help others with the emotional and spiritual part of coming back into wholeness.

I see myself as transformed, whole and well and in perfect health NOW. I am trusting my gut and guidance every step of the way using my team of healers, professionals, and spirit.

In the new year I am thinking about hosting a free monthly support call that will also bring on some health experts. Stay tuned and stay strong. YOU are part of the change!

I offer cancer coaching and emotional energy healing sessions here: http://lorrainecohen.com/ If I can be of help to you, contact me.

In One Love,

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Joined: Tue Nov 17, 2015 7:58 pm

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