Spring Newsletter 2018

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Spring Newsletter 2018

Postby Rosa_M » Sat Feb 17, 2018 10:49 pm

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Dear Cansurvivors, Families and Friends,

Welcome as always to CANSURVIVING GLOBAL! This is our Spring Newsletter,
timed to go out around Valentine's Day, a celebration of love and
affection, which we have for all of you...

We are now accessed in 48 countries, and to date we have 650 members as
well as all those people who come to BROWSE… we get up to to 10K hits a
month...and one new member at the end of 2017 put up three relevant posts
on his first day as a member—that’s how we grow...

So where to begin? We went to Yes to Life’s annual conference ‘Starting the
Conversation’ on Saturday 25 November 2017.

Here is the review if you didn’t read it on the site:

“It was a deservedly full to overflowing house for this conference,
superbly organised and with the best (vegan, non-gluten) lunch I've ever
tasted. My own energies meant I only stayed until 2.30, but there will be
recordings of the whole event available for £20 on application to Yes to
Life. Well worth the money.

After the Founder of Yes to Life's opening address, Sophie Sabbage (author
of The Cancer Whisperer) gave an inspired and galvanising talk 'Caught in
the Crossfire' : As we have said on the site for many years, 'YOUR way is
the Way!'- there is no one way, no one truth- people can walk with you but
it is YOUR walk... -there was a reference to the anxiety-promoting series
The Truth About Cancer....(and as the poet John Donne said in the 16th
century 'Truth sits on a high crag'--and those who wish to find her 'About
must and about must go'...JE). I made a lot of notes and am not sure which
person after that said what...we had Dr Rupy Aujla and his 'Doctor's
Kitchen' - he is encouraging GPs to be less 'closed-minded' and look at
food as medicine - (that goes back to Hippocrates of course)..again the
emphasis on 'the whole person'. He has also published a recipe book which
was recently bought for Rosie - look out for some recipes in the
summer/autumn newsletter...

Dr Malcolm Kendrick was splendidly rebarbative and talked of 'taking on The
Beast' in his talk about 'the patient battle'...well while on
cansurviving.com we ask people not to fight, and are not fans of battle
language, there are some things worth fighting for...not disturbing 'the
status quo' may have very difficult consequences for many people.--I think
it was he who mentioned Schopenhauer whose words I have above my desk: 'All
Truth passes through three stages: First it is ridiculed, second it is
violently opposed, Third it is accepted as being self-evident'...) He
showed some really good images including one of Yoda talking about
FEAR...which as Dr K pointed out 'may be disguised as caution'.

Professor Robert Thomas is an oncologist (an oncologist, yes!) discussing
lifestyle after cancer: he was going off in the afternoon to discuss this
topic at the Marsden among other places- what good news is that. He had
lots of research links which will be available on the recording.

Then to round off the morning there was a recorded interview where Robin
Daly the Founder of Yes to Life and Dr Rangan Chatterjee the BBC 'Doctor in
the House' talked about widening the brief for GPs. Dr Chatterjee gave a
very good example of two ways to approach for instance diabetes and
obesity...same patient, same GP, different approach and different
language...start with how to eat, not how to open your mouth and take
another drug... Though he wasn't there, he and Robin got a well-deserved
round of applause!

There was more, much more, which I sadly had to miss- but I and my husband
Andrew Baldwin who is the 'Ideas Man' on the cansurviving site (as well as
my carer when necessary) met a lot of people in the refreshment and lunch
breaks.... So many thanks to Robin and his Yes to Life team. We hope to be
there again next year and join the growing group of 'patients' who get back
into the driving seat and become 'people' again...”


Earlier in the year Judith and Robin had had a conversation about the site
on UK Health Radio …(see the site for details).

Shirley Bianca whose Message of Hope is on the Creativity Forum got in
touch with us again and linked us with Bloom...a boon for breast cancer
survivors and carers:. Bloom is a collection of articles from groups and
organizations around the world who are involved in breast cancer support,
research, and advocacy. They welcome submissions of articles related to the
current theme or to other topics that may be of interest to Bloom’s
international readership. The e-newsletter allows women who have lived
through breast cancer to tell their stories and share their emotional and
psychological experiences. It reports on how groups organize programs to
develop breast cancer awareness in their communities and give support to
cancer patients. We are as we all know huge fans of group endeavours, and
good to know about this one, based in Germany.

Then we started 2018 off in fine form with three new posts in the first
week- one about Cancer and Fear in the research section by Liz Butler, a
long-time member, then a Happy Cow app on the restaurants section- never
feel anxious about food all over the world ever again! And vegans are now
mainstream it seems as another post on Diet and the Body explains...well it
may be a ‘fad’ who knows, but for those of us who are vegan by choice
rather than fad this can be nothing but good news…

Hard on the heels of this we posted something in the ‘Will you or Won’t
You’ forum called Hallo Elephant….we’re so privileged to have Josefine who
started the Natural Death Centre as a member of our site…

We have a Facebook page and someone else on his own page advertising what
he sells wrote ‘why would you give people things for free?’ Well we have
decided that this will indeed continue to be our way forward, our ‘one stop
free shop’ which will exist as long as there is need, for people to browse
and come back again and again- in terms of the above-mentioned elephant,
the Site Founder has put a provision in her will to carry on paying the
fees so that the site can continue if the need continues- one day perhaps
we hope it will not.....but another internet search reveals 6 ½ million
sites right now for healing cancer…if we can carry on helping people with
the ‘darkness inside’ then that’s good enough for us...as the Russian poet
Brodsky said: ‘I sit in the dark. And it would be hard to figure out/Which
is worse; the dark inside, or the darkness out’.

Now personal news

Our mascot vegan baby Finn (the Mighty) is now five months old, healthy and
smiling, of course the apple of his vegan parents’ eyes and all our eyes.
As Rosie says: “I'm a boasting mother of course but this is all for the
vegan cause - he's on the 95th percentile for his weight and 99th for his

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Rosie graduated as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach at the end of
January, making her a qualified health coach. Health coaches work with
clients to guide them to make better dietary and lifestyle choices - the
key here is prevention of chronic illness and optimisation of personal
health and happiness. Watch this space for more news as Rosie uses this
qualification to grow her own business. You can read more here about what
health coaches do - https://www.ukhealthcoachesassociation.co.uk/about/.
And here is more info about the school who Rosie studied with -

Lorraine (who taught some of the children who so sadly ended their short
lives on June 14th 2017 in the Grenfell fire in West London where some of
us also live) is still teaching in her ‘spare time’ as well as doing a
demanding day job, and promoting the site wherever she goes. Hot news is
that she is moving to Manchester with her partner in April, and will be
doing more teaching possibly at the University… we’ll miss her hugely but
hey there’s always WhatsApp with its brilliant video function…

The Site Founder and the Ideas Man continue to get invitations from all
over the world (yes!) to go to conferences and to write papers, but we feel
that the internet is the way forward now: while we could indeed make even
more links by travelling more, there’s an end to what we can manage as well
as achieve…

And finally last but definitely not least our indefatigable Scotland
Representative Patricia continues to promote what we do – a recent message
from her says that even Harvey Nicholls in Edinburgh now have a vegan
restaurant! Absolutely fabulous, darlings….
(https://www.veganlifemag.com/harvey-nic ... staurants/)

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Well our final thought in this Newsletter for all our members and others
who browse the site: there IS no ‘One Way’--- you can find what’s good for
you and that in itself it super-empowering...as the book ‘Cancer is not a
Disease, It’s a Survival Mechanism’ says “Since the body’s original genetic
design always favours the continuance of life and protection against
adversities of any kind, why would the body permit self-destruction?
..Cancer is on our side, not against us”. If we commission ourselves to
take care of ourselves, authorise ourselves to take charge, then we can get
back into the driving seat and roll on….

Let us know your thoughts; keep on driving and posting and growing….

With love from us all at the CS Team...
Posts: 103
Joined: Wed Oct 16, 2013 10:43 pm

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