The Cancer Revolution...

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The Cancer Revolution...

Postby Judith » Thu Apr 06, 2017 12:28 pm

The Cancer Revolution: Integrative Medicine - the future of Cancer Care

Patricia Peat with 37 expert contributors

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This excellent book was published in 2016 by Win-Win Intelligence Ltd (which says a lot about the book too) The subtitle is 'Your Guide to integrating complementary and conventional medicine' and it really does what it says on the tin as the saying goes. And this is of course what we have doing on the cansurviving site which was begun nearly five years ago now, so it is very welcome to read something which is so comprehensive, not selling one person's point of view, by contributors who have given their expertise freely - another parallel with our own free site. As the initiator of Yes to Life says at the beginning of the book 'by buying this book you will not only be helping yourself or someone close to you, you will be supporting the work of Yes to Life'. It is beautifully produced and laid out, and aims to enable the reader to provide long-term support for the whole being, mind, body and spirit- as is emphasised, this is not about one magic bullet, but about learning to live with the diagnosis, control it, rather than panic and want to get rid of the cancer at speed (see our own How do I Start forum too on this important point). Cancer is indeed a multi-factorial bodily development, an individual disease, and the aim is to get the individual 'back in the driving seat'.

The more information you can collect the better and this book would be a very good place to start. There is an awesome list of contributors, and a helpful overview of how to use the book. You need to get to know the territory, concentrate on what food you're putting into your body, address lifestyle issues including exercise, managing stress, avoiding or reducing toxins, and generally be as informed as you can be when you visit the hospital. And meditation each day is a huge help (now scientifically proven to alter neural pathways as we record on the cansurviving site)

There is of course the standard disclaimer about not taking all this as gospel but using your own discretion alongside seeing an orthodox practitioner if you wish to do so. This contrasts so very much with my own experience five years ago when the (rather eminent) surgeon said somewhat contemptuously 'well you can try and eat a bit of sprouting broccoli but it won't do any good'... hence the building of our own site to indicate something contrary to this dismissive view... There are lists for further reading, websites to consult (I wish we had been able to get ourselves included here!)..Throughout the text there pop up what are called 'Mythbusters'

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as well as science boxes and stories--so you can really start to build up your own knowledge base rather than rely on often well-meaning people who really don't know much but pass on 'received views'. So while I'm not a fan of "this is the only book you need", maybe this is the one where I could say that, because this is not one person's point of view- groups are excellent which is why our site is also strong and vibrant......

What can I find to critique? There might have been more about depression and containment but as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist perhaps I would say that, and in the index there are some food omissions, for my understanding, like coconut oil and yeast - and EFT is credited as far as I could see to Dr Mercola rather than its originator, Gary Craig... But this in no way detracts from this being the go-to book for those wishing to live with their cancer rather than die of it- and I hope it does as well as it deserves to do.
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