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Happy Birthday to US!!!

PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 8:09 pm
by Judith
Happy Birthday to us!

On September 25th 2014 this site will be one year old, growing and thriving, with 105 members at last count, an international reach, and nearly 10K hits a month.

one year old!.jpg
one year old!.jpg (5.71 KiB) Viewed 5325 times

Our 100th member won his T shirt—and it will be on its way to him soon...”BACK TO LIFE with - now we have details of vegan eateries in all the major capitals of the Western world – Paris, London, New York and Rome—plus Guatemala and Thailand and Beijing—and more in the UK—we have a vast range of posts (one of the latest from a psychoanalytic worker who went to see John of God in Brazil for healing-very moving it is too)- and it would be great to start a Book Club—all ideas for what we can do to spread this vital word are wonderful—we are all building up this huge resource and it is All About Us.

So do what you can to help this healthy baby keep growing- our Site Founder Judith met someone in Italy who said her sister in law had healed herself after not tolerating chemo using ‘this site called cansurviving’- she was thrilled to make the link.

Thank you to us all- where will we be with this site this time next year?? Who knows but let’s keep the momentum going...

With thanks and love from the team: Judith, Rose, Lorraine, Andrew and Patricia